Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby Orajel Nighttime Baby Orajel, Day Vs Nighttime Formula?

Baby orajel, day vs nighttime formula? - baby orajel nighttime

Can I set in the night all the time? From what I can see, the only difference between the two is the only time in the night is stronger and seems to work longer. Is it OK to bear to the whole day? It works better ...


Amy T said...

The only difference is the level of anesthesia! I bought two packages and has been noticed, day and night, so I read the contents! Hope this helps!

Amy T said...

The only difference is the level of anesthesia! I bought two packages and has been noticed, day and night, so I read the contents! Hope this helps!

Amy T said...

The only difference is the level of anesthesia! I bought two packages and has been noticed, day and night, so I read the contents! Hope this helps!

Amy T said...

The only difference is the level of anesthesia! I bought two packages and has been noticed, day and night, so I read the contents! Hope this helps!

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